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News, trends, discussions and information about international developments in the area.

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Leonardo Sempertegui appointed General Legal Counsel of OPEC
With effect August 14, 2018, I was appointed General Legal Counsel of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) based in...

New building rules in California – looking for more energy efficiency
In the last few days, news spread around the world about California becoming the first U.S. state to require the installation of solar...

What if the wind stops blowing?
More and more we realize that good questions matter more than answers. (SubsecretarÃa de EnergÃas Renovables - República Argentina) A few...

The endless world of opportunities for oil and gas companies in a free-carbon economy – Part 2
As offered in the previous post, I continue to highlight the reasons why major oil and gas corporations are going to thrive in a...

The endless world of opportunities for oil and gas companies in a free-carbon economy – Part 1
Based on all the trends existing towards strongly promoting generation and use of renewable energies, a common citizen might fall in the...

PDAC 2018 and the bright future for the mining industry
A few days ago, the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) organized its annual Convention, Trade Show & Investors...

China investment in developing countries: Is it a cause or consequence of weak rule of law?
Has Chinese investment improved or deteriorated rule of law conditions around the world?

Comparación regional en materia petrolera – Lecciones a aprender para Ecuador
Sorprende, para un observador externo, la distancia marcada entre los distintos paÃses de Latinoamérica respecto al modelo de manejo de...

Oil and Gas investment in Uruguay: Great perspectives for Ronda 3 – 2018
Some characteristics of the new oil & gas Uruguayan round, where 17 offshore blocks are available for private investors.

E&E and corruption
Some ideas about how to fight corruption using international and non-local strategies
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